San Francisco/San Mateo Cursillo Secretariat

The San Francisco/San Mateo Cursillo Secretariat meets the second Tuesday of every month (except July and August).

For the foreseeable future, Secretariat will meet virtually 
via ZOOM.
 The R/R Support group will set a date/time/mode when possible.

All Cursillistas are welcome!

If you're interested in joining a meeting, just message the Chair to request the meeting invitation details.


Cindy Conway - Chair

Lani Borges - Vice Chair / Rector/a Development

Vicki Cummins - Secretary

Debra Telles - Treasurer

Nolan Apostle
Yolie Esparza-Snodgrass
Robert Geesey
Kevin Kain
Dana Morgan
Jocelyn Perlow
Ruby Pleasure
Margie Wolcott

Fr. Marty Mager
Deacon Vince Jang

​link to email addresses by clicking on the underlined/hyperlinked names

Our Purpose:

SF/SM Secretariat is a unifying body for our Cursillo community and we are servants for the Kingdom of God; to love, to serve, to encourage and support, to bring the Good News to all, as the Body of Christ.

Our Mission Statement:

To actively identify, develop and support Rectors and Rectoras in leading Cursillo experiences, while continually praying, loving, supporting, serving and being a resource for their Teams, as we strive to strengthen and build up our Cursillo movement for many others to be blessed beyond measure to receive the infinite blessing and gift from God of Cursillo! 

~SF/SM Secretariat Body, Adopted December 2017

Secretariat Minutes

Mail to: PO BOX 5615, San Mateo CA 94402